Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling potatoes are smaller potatoes that are usually packaged as a medley. They are tubular and resemble fingers with their knoby appearance, which is where they get their name. They are some of the most flavorful potatoes I've ever had, which a sweet, butter, smooth flavor that is void of any hint of dirt like their larger cousins.

Potatoes are typically grown in temperate climates, and I believe they orginate from South America like all potatoes. Fingerlings are full-grown miniture potatoes, so they are different than new potatoes that are potatoes harvested early. Like most people, I thought they were just baby potatoes, but I was quite wrong.

Now to the most exciting part about this little potatoes, how to prepare them. The are typically cook whole and unpeeled--my favorite part because with two little ones I love anything that is natural, quick, and easy. I love it when I can skip bothersome steps in my recipes. The down side is that fingerlings are more expensive, but that just means they are a nice splurg every now and then which can replace slurges on unhealthy food choices. The way I normally prepre these potatoes are by making potatoe salad and more commonly making roasted potatoes in the microwave. Mirowaving them is a time saver over the oven of about 45 minutes or so. Recipes for these two dishes are as follows:

Potato Salad

1 package fingerling potatoes-cooked, drained, and cooled
4-5 T Mayo
1/2 t dijon mustard (sub any prepared mustard)
1-2 T sour cream
1 clove garlic, pressed (can sub. 1/2 t - 1 t garlic powder)
1 medium onion, diced (most of the time I sub green onion or shallots for a lighter flavor)
2 pickles, diced
2 - 3 Eggs (my husband likes more egg than I do, so I add an extra one for him sometimes)
1-2 stalks of celery (optional--sometimes I just add about 1/8 t or so celery seed instead)
Cajin seasoning (sub for salt)

Prepare potatoes. (It's not necessary to peel potatoes just cut them up.) While they are cooking combine mayo, mustard, sour cream, seasonings and spices, eggs, and veggies. Chill in fridge until potatoes are cooked and cooled. I will put my potatoes in the freezer for about 10-15 mins if I am short on time. Combine potatoes and sauce mixture. Sprinkle paprika on top for flavor and decoration. Chill 2 hours to overnight for full flavor potential.

Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

1 package fingerling potatoes, haved or cut into thirds with peels on
1/2 medium onion (more if you like onion, or sub shallots for a lighter, sweeter opt.)
1 clove garlic, minced (sub 1/2 t garlic powder or so)
Olive oil
Cajin seasoning

Place cut potaotes in casserole dish. Add onion and garlic if fresh. Toss together. Add olive oil and a little butter to taste. (You can just omit butter if you want a heathly version, but I use just a little butter to trick myself that it is the same dish when I used only butter! :) ) Add seasonings. This can be baked in a 350 oven for 45 minutes to 1 hour or microwaved for about 10-15 minutes. I just use my potato button and it works perfectly.


Monday, January 12, 2009

Chicken Pot Pie

This is a recipe that I developed through Ryan's family recipe and web research, which is my usual method of creating yummy meals. Also, all of my measurements are estimations as I like to prepare my meals as quickly as I can. Enjoy!

3 boneless skinless Chicken breast
1 Onion
2 stalks Celery
2 cloves garlic
1 can Cream of Chicken
1 can Cream of Mushroom (or Cream of Celery if you omit fresh celery or you don't like mushrooms)
1/4 cup 1/2-n-1/2
1 small package (about 6 oz.) of peas and carrots
1/2 teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
1 large can (10) biscuts

Brown chicken. (I usually season my chicken with lemon pepper and/or cajin seasoning b/c we like a little bite.) Bake buscits. (I do this because the bottoms don't bake when I've try to bake them with the sauce. So, I end up baking them 1/2 to 3/4 of the way.) Add fresh veggies to sautee. Add soups and thin with the 1/2-n 1/2 just enough to incorporate soups. Add thyme, bay leaf, salt, and pepper. Add frozen veggies. Warm though. Transfer to baking dish. Top with biscuts. Cover and Bake 20 mins. Uncover for 5 mins or so to allow biscuts to brown.